How will quantum physics shape our future? – Webinar by prof. Sándor Imre

Join the Alumni Network Hungary, and get access to our exclusive webinars! Thanks to technology quantum physics are getting more and more relavant in our life, but it gets little attention from news media. Fortunately Sándor Imre, the R&D director of the Quantum Information National Lab of Hungary will tell you everything you need to know about the topic at the next Alumni Hungary Webinar on 15 June.

About the presenter:

Sándor Imre is a professor and the Head of Dept. of Networked Systems and Sevices at the Budapest University of Technology (BME). He obtained dr. univ. degree in in probability theory and statistics 1996, Ph.D. degree in 1999 and DSc degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS) in 2007. He was elected corresponding member of HAS in 2019 and he is the vice chairman of Section of Engineering Sciences of HAS since 2021. He was invited to join the Mobile Innovation Centre of BME as R&D director between 2005-2015. Similarly, he is the R&D director of the Quantum Information National Lab of Hungary since 2020. His research interests include mobile and wireless systems, quantum computing and communications. Especially he has contributions on quantum optimization algorithms, quantum security and quantum communication protocols.

Webinar content:

In his presentation prof. Imre will guide you across the strange and exciting realm of nanoscale Nature. This is the world where nothing is sure, effects are faster than light and cats are dead/alive at the same time. After a brief introduction to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics from engineering application point of view we will discuss the operation of quantum computers: How are they superior to classical computers? What problems will they solve efficiently? Are our crypto solutions in danger? Next, we investigate quantum networks: How will they combat quantum attacks? Will they be faster than classical nets? And finally, we survey the European and Hungarian efforts on this field.

Source: Unsplash – JJ Ying


Date of the webinar: Wednesday, 15 June 2022 between 10:00 and 11:00 am (CET). After the presentation, we will have a 30 min. live Q&A session, when the presenter will answer your questions.

This exclusive webinar will be available for registered Alumni Network Hungary members only!

Participation is free but registration is required, please register HERE.

You can only register and join this webinar if you are a member of the Alumni Network Hungary website. You can join the network by clicking HERE.

Registration deadline: Monday, 13 June 2022 (11 a.m. CET).