Be a member of the Alumni Network Hungary!

Are you finishing your studies or still studying in Hungary with the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme?  Don’t miss the chance to become part of an excellent community, the Alumni Network Hungary and enjoy all the benefits that our professional international community could give to you!

As you get closer to graduation in Hungary, you’re probably wondering how you can stay in touch with your fellow students, your alma mater and Hungary afterwards. The Alumni Network Hungary is an excellent way to maintain connection which as it is  the first and largest international alumni network in Hungary.

The Network is a vibrant, constantly growing community currently with more than 9.000 registered members. It helps former and current full-time and part-time international students from any higher education institutions in Hungary to maximize their Hungarian study experience, to establish and enhance an interactive, highly engaged alumni community and to strengthen their professional and scientific relations and develop their professional skills.

Join the network now, register by clicking HERE and enjoy being our member!

International and professional community

In the Alumni Network Hungary, we have members from more than 100 countries from all around the world the majority of them studied in Hungary with the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme. Not only alumni, but Hungarian universities and many embassies joined the network too, so you can keep in touch with them after graduation.

A global volunteer group

If you are a member of the Alumni Network Hungary in every two years you can also apply to join the International Alumni Volunteer Programme, a group of enthusiastic former international students. The Volunteer Programme aims to further build future collaboration opportunities among international alumni who have studied in Hungary and build up a global network.

Unique services and contents

Use our exclusive online services to get useful advice related to career, recruitment and professional development. We invite world-famous Hungarian scientists, artists, and professionals, our international volunteers and alumni who talk about their research and innovative ideas from various fields, such as culture, and medicine, and natural sciences within the framework of our Alumni Hungary Webinar Series.

As a member of the alumni community, you can also take part in regular online trainings held by the Hungarian Diplomatic Academy to enhance your skills in fields such as time management and negotiating.

We provide you regular content on our website and on Facebook: up-to-date news of Hungarian universities, innovations and culture, networking tips and tricks, scholarship opportunities, events and many more. If you need inspiration, just read the portraits and interviews of our alumni members.

Join the network now, register by clicking HERE and enjoy being our member!